If you are a defendant…
- If a defendant is unable to pay restitution in full at the time of sentencing, the Court may approve a payment plan. Once approved, the Probation Department will determine the amount to be paid weekly or monthly.
- If at any time the defendant is unable to make a scheduled payment, he/she must contact the Probation Department, prior to the due date, and speak directly with his/her Probation Officer. If the defendant fails to comply with the payment plan, a Community Control Violation will be filed. A hearing will be set and the suspended jail time and fines may be imposed.
- All payments are to be made to the Bowling Green Municipal Clerk of Court. Payments must be made on or before the due date, unless authorized by the Probation Department. The Clerk of Court accepts cash, checks or money orders (made payable to the Bowling Green Municipal Court).
If you are a victim…
- If the Court has ordered the defendant to pay restitution to a victim, the Probation Department oversees all compliance with payments.
- It is important to make certain the Probation Department has your current mailing address and phone number at all times.
- If there are multiple victims in a case, restitution will be paid as ordered by the Court, or at the discretion of the Probation Department.
- If you have any questions regarding payment of restitution, please contact the Probation Department (419) 352-5263.