This program has been developed to allow individuals who have been charged with underage possession and/or consumption of alcohol, and in some cases the additional charge of open container, the opportunity to avoid a criminal conviction. It is only available to individuals who have not previously participated in any kind of diversion program, and have no prior criminal conviction, convictions for driving under the influence. Additionally, participants shall have no pending citations or charges (other than minor traffic) in any Court at the time they enter the program. Determination of eligibility will be made by the court
Participation in this program is a privilege, and should not be viewed as just some way to get out of a little trouble. The requirements are to be completed within five months of the date that your case was filed in the Court, and failure to complete them will result in your case being referred back to the court for prosecution. The requirements, if you are found eligible, are as follows:
1. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM. You will complete and pay the costs of an alcohol education program. Details of this program will be provided to you by the Probation Department at the time you enter the program.
2. DIVERSION PROGRAM FEE. You will pay the $185.00 non-refundable program fee to the Bowling Green Municipal Court in addition to the court costs associated with a dismissal including appointed counsel and any jailing fees.
3. SUPERVISED COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK. You will complete six (6) hours of supervised community service work through the Bowling Green Municipal Court Probation Department.
Additionally, if you choose to participate in this program, it will be necessary that you waive your right to a speedy trial in order to allow you enough time to complete the program.
This program was developed to bring about a behavior change through education, awareness and service. If you are not serious about changing past behaviors, you should not participate in this program. Only those individuals who are interested in taking responsibility for their negative actions need apply.
During the pendency of this action, you shall not enter any establishment whose principal purpose is to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on site, including, but not limited to, bars, taverns or clubs.
1. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM. You will complete and pay the costs of an alcohol and marijuana education program. Details of this program will be provided to you by the Probation Department at the time you enter the program.
2. DIVERSION PROGRAM FEE. You will pay the $285.00 non-refundable program fee to the Bowling Green Municipal Court in addition to your $61 court costs.
3. SUPERVISED COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK. You will complete six (6) hours of supervised community service work through the Bowling Green Municipal Court Community Service Program. This portion of the program may not substitute for any outside agency or location. You will also complete six (6) hours of community service at a non-profit agency of your choice. You will need to submit the appropriate time sheet to the Court before your deadline date in the program.
4. URINE SCREENS: You will need to submit two (2) urine screens while you are in the diversion program. The dates that the screens need to be submitted are determined on a case-by-case basis. The dates will be provided to you by the Probation Department at the time you enter the program.
Additionally, if you choose to participate in this program, it will be necessary that you waive your right to a speedy trial in order to allow you enough time to complete the program.
This program was developed to bring about a behavior change through education, awareness and service. If you are not serious about changing past behaviors, you should not participate in this program. Only those individuals who are interested in taking responsibility for their negative actions need apply.
During the pendency of this action you shall not enter any establishment whose principal purpose is to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on site, including, but not limited to, bars, taverns or clubs.